Happy Birthday L.E.!

Happy Birthday L.E.!
Such a pampered pooch



Pretty Girls

Pretty Girls

Kailyn and Mel

Kailyn and Mel

Kailyn age 7 Tybee Beach

Emma and Meenah age 5, Best Friends

Kailyn's 1st grade project

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Promising Future...

Things are well in the Waterfield/Keeton household. We left for church excited about the ground breaking ceremony that would take place this morning...we're building new buildings to help reach all the people that God is rounding up on these islands and sending to the church. It was a wonderful service, and the pastor even arranged to have each person given a wooden stake. On the stake we wrote the names of four people we hoped to be able to reach through the church with these new buildings. Then after a prayer, as a congreation together we all drove our stakes into the ground. Even Kailyn and Emma did one, with names of friends from school.
While there the pastor announced the beginning of some new "Dive" classes starting in April...they're our devotional classes that are offered on Sunday nights. The girls both said they wanted to join the kids choir!
And Emma taught us a new song...one she learned in sunday school last week. "The fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace......" on and on she sang. "...Galatians 5:22" I couldn't believe my four year old knew all the fruits and it sparked a fresh flame in me to really start hammering home bible verses with them.
Even Jason seems to enjoy the church, discovering last week he enjoys our pastor's speaking style. And since he's lived on the islands (a fairly small community of it's own) he knows many people at the church, sure to make a smooth transition.